Change Over Dinner

The Rotary Club of Prospect Change Over Dinner is scheduled for Wednesday 22 June 2022. Bookings are essential at this link.

Meeting Recap – 11 May

Again a very well-attended meeting by all for our Youth Night. Angus Gzresch…

Welcome back Ildi

It was great to welcome Ildi Middlemiss back to the Rotary Club as a returning member at…

Meeting Recap – 4 April

Due to the Easter and Anzac holidays numbers attending were down from usual, however a great night…

March 23 Meeting Recap

The meeting was well attended with Ingrid (guest speaker) delivering a comprehensive break down of the timeline…

Vocational Visit – Food Centre

Robert and Karl organised a vocational visit to the Food Centre…

District Quiz Night

Adelaide Parks Rotary Club have organised a District Quiz Night on May 21st 2022.

Birthing Kits Project

The Rotary Club of Walkerville is working with the Birthing Kit Foundation to…

Hide Away Hut – Calperum

President Grenville and PP Barrie travelled to Calperum along with Jeff Cluse (Regency Park), Russell Green (Regency…

Meeting Recap – 9 March

The evening commenced at 5.00pm with an informal Board meeting with District Governor Jeff Neale whist his…

Welcome Edward Dixon!

We welcomed our newest Rotary member, Edward Dixon at our March meeting. Welcome Edward!